The glass replacement procedure is done with great care.


A store specializing in car glass and car film in Tsumori, Oita City,

Ichikawa Auto Glassis.


In our shop, we will replace all glass with windshield, side glass, rear glass.


This time I would like to explain the replacement of the windshield, which is likely to be replaced with a stepping stone.


1. Preparation

Remove the cover molding and wiper according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Now remove all car navigation and drive recorder accessories that are attached to the glass.

A protective masking tape is then applied to protect the coated surface around the glass from scratches during removal.


2.Glass removal

Cut off the adhesive with a special cutter.

Cut the adhesive all around the glass and use a suction cup to remove the glass.


3. Old adhesive cut

When the glass is removed, the old adhesive is shaved so as not to scratch the body surface.

If you peel off the paint in this process, it will cause rust, so please carefully install it.


4. Body side surface treatment

Process according to the instruction manual of the adhesive to be used.

This car had rust because it changed the glass once.

We will work without scratching so that this is not the case.

If it gets scratched, repair it.

And rust from previous replacement is also repaired here.


After this,

Adhesive application,

Glass mounting,

Refit the mall.


The last is a cure.

Allow time for the adhesive to dry thoroughly.



Ichikawa Auto Glass

Street address


374-1 Tsumori, Oita City, Oita Prefecture








business hours



Regular holiday



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